
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Telenor Pakistan Turns 6

Telenor Pakistan today celebrated its 6th anniversary by reiterating its commitment to bringing the benefits of telecommunications to people’s everyday lives, said a statement.

Since its launch, the company has shown consistent high growth by performing above industry average every year. According to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority’s latest annual report, Telenor Pakistan showed the highest growth rate of 14% in 2009-10.

Speaking on the occasion, CEO Telenor Pakistan Christian Albech said:

On its sixth anniversary, Telenor Pakistan has already crossed the 25 million subscriber mark. It gives me great satisfaction to tell you that of the total number of subscribers in the country today, every fourth is a Telenor customer.

With the belief in building around people, we have established an open culture that continues to be one of our biggest strengths. By introducing easypaisa, we have brought the bank to the unbanked population of the country and are continuing to spearhead growth through our Karo Mumkin philosophy.

Easypaisa has been the recipient of ‘Best Mobile Money Transfer Entrant of the Year Award’ at the world’s first Mobile Money Awards and has also received a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Mobile Money for the Unbanked Fund.

Among the numerous awards it has won, Telenor Pakistan has also received the Best Place to Work, Most Preferred Employer for HR Practices, Highest FDI Investor Award, and Superbrand of the Telecom Industry Award.